Welcome to GPS — Canada's Leader in Environmental Technology Verification
Verified Technologies GPS
Name Company Name Phone Number
Rainwater Management Ltd.
+1 604-944-9265
Imbrium Systems, Inc.
+1 416-960-9900
Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
+1 207-885-9830
Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
+1 207-885-9830
Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
Imbrium Systems, Inc.
Imbrium Systems, Inc.
Eco Waste Solutions — Eco Burn, Inc.
Control Chemical (1989) Corporation
Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.
330-456-3121 x126
Eco Waste Solutions — Eco Burn, Inc
Elanco Canada Limited
Nelson Environmental Remediation Ltd.
Enviropod Canada
Ozonator Industries Ltd
CERMA Industries, LLC
Dundee Sustainable Technologies, Inc.
+1 514-866-6001
Hydro International
+1 207-756-6200
Next Stormwater Solutions
+1 450-322-6260
CB Shield Inc.
+1 519-212-9161
Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
+1 207-885-9830
Katch Kan™ Ltd.
Imbrium Systems, Inc.
+1 416-960-9900
Imbrium Systems, Inc.
+1 416-960-9900
Hydroworks, LLC
Cultec Separator™ Row

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On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems


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The advanced BIONEST treatment system reproduces, maintains and optimizes the natural purification normally performed in the soil. The biological treatment is carried out in a tight reservoir, of restricted volume, making it possible to optimize the occupation of the ground. The controlled environment eliminates wastewater from all residues harmful to your health and the environment.

Its quality of treatment/price ratio is without equal. The BIONEST system stands out thanks to its patented non-biodegradable media, which can handle a very high volume of water. It also gives the system exceptional processing performance and robustness against flow and load variations. The BIONEST system does not require any external decanters or sludge storage tanks.

BIONEST media and permanent ventilation make it a system unmatched on the market. Among the many advantages:

  • Simple and robust components
  • No media replacement
  • Low cost of operation
  • No treatment building required
  • Scentless
  • Prefabricated or cast concrete tanks in place according to customer needs
  • Possibility of adding an ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system
  • Possibility of adding a system of phosphorus removal
  • Modular system, which can be increased as needed

Bionest – Head Office (Quebec, Canada)
55, 12th Street, PO Box 10070
Shawinigan, Québec
G9T 5K7 Canada

Phone: +1 819-538-5662
Toll-Free: 1-866-538-5662
Fax: +1 819-538-5707

Email: info@bionest.ca

Rainwater Management Ltd.

RWM-DM-1200 & DM-1200-OS Stormwater Systems


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Rainwater Management is focused on providing the right stormwater solution for your project. With a range of technologies that provide stormwater filtration, separation, screening, absorption, recycling, infiltration, and detention, Rainwater Management can provide you with an engineered solution for many of your needs.

Rainwater Management offers:

  • Stormwater Treatment Systems (Oil/Grit Separators (OGS), Hydrodynamic Separators) – capture oil spills, sediment, and trash
  • Stormwater Filter Systems- capture fine sediment
  • Coalescing Plate separators – remove oil down to 10 mg/l
  • Stainless Steel Slide Gates – standard sizes from 200-1200 mm with custom sizes and configurations up to 3050 mm
  • Stainless Steel Stop Logs
  • Stainless Steel Flap Gates

Rainwater Management Ltd.
#502-1952 Kingsway Ave.
Port Coquitlam, BC
3C 6C2 Canada
Tel: +1 604-944-9265

Imbrium Systems, Inc.



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Jellyfish Filter is a stormwater quality treatment technology featuring high surface area and high flow rate membrane filtration, at a low driving head. By incorporating pretreatment with light-weight membrane filtration, Jellyfish Filter removes a high level and a wide variety of stormwater pollutants, including the finest of particles. The high surface area membrane cartridges, combined with up-flow hydraulics, frequent backwashing and the cartridge rinse-able and reusable feature, ensure long-lasting superior performance.

The Jellyfish Filter has been verified through the ISO 14034 Environmental Management – Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program and is the only stormwater filtration device in Canada to achieve this verification.

  • Stormwater enters the Jellyfish through the inlet pipe or inlet grate, builds a driving head, and traps floating pollutants behind the maintenance access wall and below the cartridge deck
  • Water is pushed down below the cartridge deck where a separation skirt around the cartridges directs oil, trash and debris outside the filtration zone, allowing sand-sized particles to settle in the sump
  • Water is directed to the filtration zone and up through the top of the cartridge into the backwash pool. Once the water has filled the backwash pool, clean water overflows the weir and exits via the outlet pipe
  • The membrane filters provide a very large surface area to effectively remove fine sand and silt-sized particles, and a high percentage of particulate-bound pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorus, metals and hydrocarbons while ensuring long-lasting treatment
  • After every storm peak, the filtered water in the backwash pool flows back through the hi-flow membrane cartridges into the lower chamber. This passive backwash coupled with vibrational pulses and gravity extends cartridge life, keeping the membrane clean for future events
  • The drain down cartridge located outside the backwash pool enables water levels to balance

Imbrium Systems, Inc.
Widby, Ontario
Phone:+1 416-960-9900
Email: info@imbriumsystems.com

Contech Engineered Solutions LLC

Stormwater Management StormFilter® (StormFilter) – TAPE

Stormwater Management StormFilter® (StormFilter) – TAPE

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This Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) of The Stormwater Management StormFilter® (StormFilter) is the second part of a two-part verification process and entails the verification of performance claims (#3 – 9) based on field testing data collected in accordance with The Washington State Department of Ecology emerging stormwater treatment technologies, in accordance with guidelines identified by Ecology (2011) in the Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE). This complements the first part of the verification which verifies performance test data collected in accordance with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Laboratory Protocol to Assess Total Suspended Solids Removal by a Filtration Manufactured Treatment Device (January, 2013).

The Stormwater Management StormFilter® (StormFilter) is a manufactured treatment device that is provided by Contech Engineered Solutions LLC (Contech). The StormFilter improves the quality of stormwater runoff before it enters receiving waterways through the use of its customizable filter media, which removes non-point source pollutants. The StormFilter is typically comprised of a vault or manhole structure that houses rechargeable, media-filled filter cartridges. Stormwater entering the system percolates through these media-filled cartridges, which trap particulates and remove pollutants. Once filtered through the media, the treated stormwater is discharged through an outlet pipe to a storm sewer system or receiving water.


Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
71 US Route 1, Suite F
Scarborough, ME
04074 USA

Phone: +1 207-885-9830
Email: info@conteches.com

Contech Engineered Solutions LLC

Stormwater Management StormFilter® (StormFilter) – NJDEP

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This Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) of The Stormwater Management StormFilter® (StormFilter)  is the first part of a two-part verification process and entails the verification of performance claims (#1 & 2) based on laboratory testing in accordance with the New  Jersey  Department  of  Environmental Protection (NJDEP)  Laboratory  Protocol  to  Assess  Total  Suspended  Solids  Removal  by  a  Filtration Manufactured  Treatment  Device  (January,  2013). This verification complements the subsequent verification of field testing data, collected in accordance with The Washington State Department of Ecology emerging stormwater treatment technologies, in accordance with guidelines identified by Ecology (2011) in the Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE).

The Stormwater Management StormFilter® (StormFilter) is a manufactured treatment device that is provided by Contech Engineered Solutions LLC (Contech). The StormFilter improves the quality of stormwater runoff before it enters receiving waterways through the use of its customizable filter media, which removes non-point source pollutants. The StormFilter is typically comprised of a vault or manhole structure that houses rechargeable, media-filled filter cartridges. Stormwater entering the system percolates through these media-filled cartridges, which trap particulates and remove pollutants.  Once filtered through the media, the treated stormwater is discharged through an outlet pipe to a storm sewer system or receiving water.


Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
71 US Route 1, Suite F
Scarborough, ME
04074 USA

Phone: +1 207-885-9830
Email: info@conteches.com

Contech Engineered Solutions LLC

Kraken® Membrane Filtration System (NJDEP)

Kraken® Membrane Filtration System
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This Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) of the Kraken™ Filter is the first part of a two-part verification process and entails the verification of performance claims based on laboratory testing in accordance with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Laboratory Protocol to Assess Total Suspended Solids Removal by a Hydrodynamic Sedimentation Manufactured Treatment Device (January 2013).

Kraken® Membrane Filtration System (“Kraken® Filter”) is an engineered storm water quality treatment device utilizing a reusable membrane filter designed to remove high levels of TSS, hydrocarbons, particulate metals and nutrients found in contaminated storm water. Each filter contains a large surface area which is designed to deal with high TSS and particulate concentrations. The large surface area of each filter allows it to operate at a loading rate from one fifth to one twentieth the loading rate of other media filtration devices to improve longevity. The Kraken® Filter is different from other membrane filters in that it has separation chambers that are utilized as a form of pre-treatment for floatables, oils, coarser sediments and other suspended particulates. By filtering out the coarser material prior to reaching the membrane filters, the efficiency of the unit is increased and maintenance requirements reduced.

More »»» conteches.com/kraken


Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
398 Via El Centro,
Oceanside, CA
92058 USA

Tel: 760-433-7640
Email: Zach.Kent@Conteches.com

Contech Engineered Solutions LLC

Kraken® Membrane Filtration System (TAPE)

Kraken® Membrane Filtration System
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This Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) of the Kraken™ Filter is the second part of a two-part verification process and entails the verification of performance claims based on field testing data collected in accordance with The Washington State Department of Ecology emerging stormwater treatment technologies, in accordance with guidelines identified by Ecology (2011) in the Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE).

Kraken® Membrane Filtration System (“Kraken® Filter”) is an engineered storm water quality treatment device utilizing a reusable membrane filter designed to remove high levels of TSS, hydrocarbons, particulate metals and nutrients found in contaminated storm water. Each filter contains a large surface area which is designed to deal with high TSS and particulate concentrations. The large surface area of each filter allows it to operate at a loading rate from one fifth to one twentieth the loading rate of other media filtration devices to improve longevity. The Kraken® Filter is different from other membrane filters in that it has separation chambers that are utilized as a form of pre-treatment for floatables, oils, coarser sediments and other suspended particulates. By filtering out the coarser material prior to reaching the membrane filters, the efficiency of the unit is increased and maintenance requirements reduced.

More »»» conteches.com/kraken


Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
398 Via El Centro,
Oceanside, CA
92058 USA

Tel: 760-433-7640
Email: Zach.Kent@Conteches.com

Imbrium Systems, Inc.

SciCLONE™ Hydrodynamic Separator

SciCLONE™ Hydrodynamic Separator
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The Bio Clean SciCLONE™ hydrodynamic separator (also known as an oil grit separator) consists of a prefabricated concrete structure with various internal components designed to maximize the flow path of stormwater, protect against sediment scour and capture/retain light liquids.  It removes pollutants from stormwater runoff using a series of flow splitters, weirs and baffles.  The device traps suspended particulates by promoting gravity settling, and although not tested in this verification, the unit is also designed to capture and retain floatables and light liquids such as oil through an oil/floatables skimmer.

The unique design of the SciCLONE™, with a flow splitter, oil/floatables skimmer, and outlet weir maximizes the flow path and minimizes velocity for maximum performance. The system is designed to be installed online and process high flows internally. Higher flows are able to pass over the top of the flow splitter without impedance, under the oil/floatables skimmer and to the outlet. The outlet weir creates less turbulent conditions into the pipe and thus reduces head loss during peak flow conditions. The outlet weir also contains one or more weep holes on the horizontal deck to allow the water level to return to a level even with the inlet of the outlet pipe following a storm event.

  • Sediment (TSS) removal
  • Debris and small floatables capture
  • Pretreatment for filtration, detention/retention systems, ponds, wetlands, and bioretention
  • Retrofit and redevelopment projects

Imbrium Systems, Inc.
407 Fairview Drive,
Whitby, Ontario
L1N 3A9 Canada

Tel: 503-310-8903
Email: joel.garbon@rinkerpipe.com

Imbrium Systems, Inc.

Filterra® Bioretention System

Filterra® Bioretention System
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The Filterra® stormwater bioretention system consists of a prefabricated concrete structure with mulch, soil media, plants and drainage infrastructure found in conventional bioretention. The media is specially formulated to remove suspended solids, nutrients, heavy metals and oil and grease from stormwater runoff while retaining a high flow through capacity that minimizes the surface footprint area required for installation. The system is typically applied for the treatment of runoff from small catchments such as roads and parking lots.

The concrete container comes in various sizes ranging from 1.2 by 1.2 meters (4 x 4 feet) to 1.8 by 3.6 meters (6 by 12 feet). The top slab is fitted with a decorative tree gate. The schematic of the system in Figure 1 shows the function of the system. Runoff enters the unit along the curb through a 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 inch) high curb inlet throat. Runoff bypassing the inlet during high flows is directed to a catchbasin inlet or other form of drainage infrastructure downstream of the unit. Devices with internal bypasses are also available.

Flows entering the inlet are dispersed across the top surface mulch layer. Freeboard depth of approximately 23 cm (9 inches) between the media layer and the system bypass is typically provided for temporary storage to promote settling. The 8 cm (3 inch) mulch layer is underlain by approximately 56 cm (22 inches) of engineered filter media with a specified gradation and organic matter content to ensure consistent and dependable hydraulic functionality and fertility. A perforated 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 inch) underdrain wrapped in a fiberglass mesh and surrounded by 15 cm of gravel is placed along the concrete floor for rapid drainage of filtered runoff. Planting material may include flowers, grasses, shrubs or small trees, varying based on site-specific climate and aesthetic considerations. Various configurations of the device are available including those that infiltrate directly through the bottom of the unit and/or drain treated water to a neighbouring trench or chamber system that reduces runoff volumes through infiltration into the surrounding soils.


Imbrium Systems, Inc.
407 Fairview Drive
Whitby, Ontario
L1N 3A9, Canada
Tel: +1 503-310-8903

Eco Waste Solutions — Eco Burn, Inc.


Eco Waste Gasification System


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EWS is one of the world’s leading suppliers of modular thermal treatment and WTE technology for solid and liquid waste.

Our unique dual chamber combustion process, combined with our step-hearth technology, means we deliver a proven, bankable solution for military and natural resource companies, small and remote communities and industries looking for waste disposal and energy recovery solutions.

Our Story
The genesis of Eco Waste Solutions (EWS) wasn’t a garage, a ‘business incubator’, or a barn. It came from the most likely of sources: the fire and molten metal of Canada’s Steeltown, Hamilton, Ontario. With expertise in combustion process and metallurgy, the two founders of Eco Waste Solutions set out to address the global need for better waste solutions in the most environmentally-responsible manner possible.

Until the 1990s, the uncontrolled thermal treatment (or incineration) of waste was environmentally unacceptable. In 1993, Eco Waste Solutions developed an innovative product and process to thermally treat and reduce waste while meeting stringent environmental regulations and waste-reduction targets. A patented process was soon developed, which married waste reduction with the elimination of environmental concerns.

Commercial success was almost immediate with a sale to the Canadian Department of National Defence for a remote Arctic base. This was quickly followed by projects for a community in Alaska and medical waste treatment in the Caribbean.

R&D is at the Heart of What We Do
Over a period of 10 years, EWS invested heavily in research and development, including extensive environmental testing and independent verification of performance.

It was quickly discovered that the key to safe and effective waste combustion was contingent on the optimal control of the process’ parameters and in making real-time adjustments as required by the actual conditions in which the systems would be operating. This meant continued advances in the thermal treatment process as well as improvements to the control system and user interface, to ensure a system that could seamlessly dispose of any kind of waste at the push of a button.

Modular. Durable. Deployable.
Our equipment has evolved into a unique, durable and modular system that could be easily transported and deployed on location. Together with the technological advances in reducing the emissions of harmful dioxins and furans, this made the EWS technology the solution of choice for customers requiring point-of-need solutions in remote areas or when operating in extreme conditions.

EWS soon grew a strong following in mining and oil & gas, military and defense, and remote communities. We became an industry leader, winning multi-million dollar contracts with organizations such as Barrick, DeBeers, Vale, NATO, the Canadian Department of Defense and the US Air Force.

EWS Today
We’ve never lost sight of the research and development and commitment to continuous improvement that got us here.

Every year, EWS invests in R&D and proactive improvements that seek to address our clients’ needs – both today and in the future.

That’s why we’re currently the only company which has commercialized a containerized, mobile product which meets EU regulations for environmental performance. The combination of our reliable, environmentally-friendly technology and market-changing user interface has been the foundation upon which we have built our business.


Eco Waste Solutions 
300 – 5500 North Service Road, Burlington, ON L7L 6W6
Phone: +1 905-634-7022
Email: info@ecosolutions.com

Control Chemical (1989) Corporation


Hydraulic Fluid ES


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We at Control Chemical (1989) Corporation are 100% behind our products and we know that established habits are hard to change, that is why we put together lists of facts explaining the benefits of using our line of products:

Cost Saving Benefits

  • No risk to workers health and safety
  • Reduces cleanup following spills
  • Site reclamation cost reduction
  • No fines for sheening
  • Disposal costs are lower

Fluid Facts

All Greenplus products are not just rapidly biodegradable, operator safe and made from renewable resources but environmentally safe.

  • One litre of petroleum-based oil can contaminate up to two million litres of water.
  • Vegetable oil-based lubricants (Greenplus) do not contribute to the greenhouse effect.
  • Continued use of Greenplus Air-Lube ES has extended the useful life of packings on duplex and triplex pumps up to 700%.

Control Chemical (1989) Corporation
7016 – 30 St SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2C 1N9 Canada

Phone.: +1 (403) 720-7049
Fax: +1 (403) 720-4951

North America: 1-800-598-7636
USA: 1-888-682-6040

Certification Contact: 1-800-267-6840
Email: info@greenpluslubes.com

Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.


Polymer Emulsion


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Who We Are and What We Stand For

Midwest lives, manufactures, and delivers Earth-conscious solutions around the world to clients in the quarry, mining, construction, iron & steel, rail and mass transit and dozens of other industries whose success depends on overcoming dust, erosion, ice, or unstable soil conditions.

In every part of our business from hiring to product development to service, we aim for the impossible – perfection – so we can deliver what our clients want: environmentally gentle, regulatory-compliant applications that work.

Pushing the envelope is part of our corporate DNA, and we strive, always, to develop cutting-edge processes, products and services; stay on top of the learning curve, and educate our customers for our mutual success. For over 40 years, we have worked alongside those of our customers to get every job done right. We don’t settle when it comes to unsolved challenges in our quest to provide the follow-up, machinery, and knowledge our customers need to move their work forward.

Why clients rely on us

Midwest is a company of problem solvers. We attack challenges and stick with them tenaciously until they are resolved. Our clients know that if we say we will do something, we will because as a company, good enough and status quo are not in our vocabularies.

Collaboration – with our clients and with one another – is a critical ingredient to our customers’ success, and ours. We don’t merely talk with customers; we listen hard so we may continue improving our deliverables and our service.

If the need is simply product, we provide it – proven and certified – but our calling card is that we are purveyors of total solutions, no matter how complex. In short, clients agree that Midwest is the real deal, insistent on delivering nothing short of the best possible results.

Why Midwest

  • More environmental certifications than other companies
  • More performance certifications than other companies
  • State-of-the-art technical laboratory and environmental support
  • Over 25 industry-leading patents
  • 7-time member of the INC. 5000 list of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies

Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.
1101 – 3rd St. S.E., Canton, OH 44707

Phone: 330-456-3121 x126
Email: Cheryl.Detloff@midwestind.com

Eco Waste Solutions — Eco Burn, Inc


Bio Waste Gasification System


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EWS is one of the world’s leading suppliers of modular thermal treatment and WTE technology for solid and liquid waste.

Our unique dual chamber combustion process, combined with our step-hearth technology, means we deliver a proven, bankable solution for military and natural resource companies, small and remote communities and industries looking for waste disposal and energy recovery solutions.

Our Story
The genesis of Eco Waste Solutions (EWS) wasn’t a garage, a ‘business incubator’, or a barn. It came from the most likely of sources: the fire and molten metal of Canada’s Steeltown, Hamilton, Ontario. With expertise in combustion process and metallurgy, the two founders of Eco Waste Solutions set out to address the global need for better waste solutions in the most environmentally-responsible manner possible.

Until the 1990s, the uncontrolled thermal treatment (or incineration) of waste was environmentally unacceptable. In 1993, Eco Waste Solutions developed an innovative product and process to thermally treat and reduce waste while meeting stringent environmental regulations and waste-reduction targets. A patented process was soon developed, which married waste reduction with the elimination of environmental concerns.

Commercial success was almost immediate with a sale to the Canadian Department of National Defence for a remote Arctic base. This was quickly followed by projects for a community in Alaska and medical waste treatment in the Caribbean.

R&D is at the Heart of What We Do
Over a period of 10 years, EWS invested heavily in research and development, including extensive environmental testing and independent verification of performance.

It was quickly discovered that the key to safe and effective waste combustion was contingent on the optimal control of the process’ parameters and in making real-time adjustments as required by the actual conditions in which the systems would be operating. This meant continued advances in the thermal treatment process as well as improvements to the control system and user interface, to ensure a system that could seamlessly dispose of any kind of waste at the push of a button.

Modular. Durable. Deployable.
Our equipment has evolved into a unique, durable and modular system that could be easily transported and deployed on location. Together with the technological advances in reducing the emissions of harmful dioxins and furans, this made the EWS technology the solution of choice for customers requiring point-of-need solutions in remote areas or when operating in extreme conditions.

EWS soon grew a strong following in mining and oil & gas, military and defense, and remote communities. We became an industry leader, winning multi-million dollar contracts with organizations such as Barrick, DeBeers, Vale, NATO, the Canadian Department of Defense and the US Air Force.

EWS Today
We’ve never lost sight of the research and development and commitment to continuous improvement that got us here.

Every year, EWS invests in R&D and proactive improvements that seek to address our clients’ needs – both today and in the future.

That’s why we’re currently the only company which has commercialized a containerized, mobile product which meets EU regulations for environmental performance. The combination of our reliable, environmentally-friendly technology and market-changing user interface has been the foundation upon which we have built our business.


Eco Waste Solutions
300 – 5500 North Service Road, Burlington, ON L7L 6W6
Phone: +1 905-634-7022
Email: info@ecosolutions.com

Elanco Canada Limited


Feed Additive


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At Elanco, we provide those who raise and care for animals with solutions that empower them to advance a vision of food and companionship enriching life.

We understand the powerful role healthy animals play in making lives better. As pets increasingly become important parts of our families, so too does the need to help them live longer, healthier, higher-quality lives. As the global population grows, so too will the need to meet the demand for safe, affordable food for all.

Since our start at Eli Lilly and Company in 1954, Elanco has been working to empower our customers—from veterinarians to food producers to all those concerned with animal health—to address these global challenges, and advance a vision of food and companionship enriching life. We strive to develop and deliver products safe for consumers, animals and the environment through innovation and a shared vision to enrich the lives of people worldwide.

Mission and Vision
Our Mission: We provide those who raise and care for animals with a comprehensive set of animal health products and knowledge services that empower them to address the global challenges of a diverse and changing world.

Our Vision: Food and Companionship Enriching Life

We are proud of our heritage of close customer relationships, scientific rigor, and quality products, from the development of the first antibiotic for veterinary use in 1953 to today’s treatments that address the health needs of our pets. At the same time, we are humbled by the global challenges ahead and we will remain true to our heritage and our values to provide needed solutions in the field of animal health.

Elanco has helped shape the lives of animals and their human companions for more than half a century. Explore the timeline below to learn more.


Elanco Canada Limited
1919 Minnesota Court, Suite 401
Mississauga, ON L5N 0C9  Canada

Tel : +1-226-770-3363 / Toll Free : 1-800-265-5475

Additional Information: Elanco Canada Limited

Nelson Environmental Remediation Ltd.




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“Soil Remediation Experts”

The number of completed projects, technology and process speak for NELSON’s respected experience in the remediation industry.

Nelson Environmental Remediation Ltd. is the only Canadian company which performs on-site, ex-situ thermal treatment of hydrocarbon and organic compound-contaminated soil, returning the clean soil to beneficial re-use. NELSON is a world leader in its industry and has completed projects in extreme conditions around the globe.

Our experienced staff along with our guaranteed results bring certainty to large-scale remediation projects. NELSON’s internal remediation technology and industry-leading processes and performances have driven strong growth and reinvestment into ongoing improvement and research into emerging contaminants.

Our process eliminates client liabilities associated with transportation of contaminated material to landfill or other off-site locations and sourcing and transportation of clean backfill.

Thermally desorbed soils result in a positive social outcome of beneficial re-use availability and reducing the possibility of contaminated material sitting in landfills. The result is recycled soil with enhanced community partnerships for our stakeholders.

The company was created by Darryl and Warren Nelson from the family’s earth-moving business which served Western Canada’s oil and gas industry since the 1960s.


Nelson Environmental Remediation
30541 100 Ave
Acheson (Edmonton), Alberta
T7X 6L8 Canada

Main: 1.780.960.3660
Toll-Free: 1-888-960-8222
Fax: 1-780-962-6885



Street Sweeper


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The TYMCO Model DST-6, the industry’s first full-sized dustless sweeper. The DST-6 removes dirt, dust, and debris from the sweeping surface, and uses filters that have a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 16 Rating, meaning they are able to capture a minimum of 95% of 0.30 micron and larger size particles, far exceeding PM10requirements.

TYMCO’s patented filtration system enables the DST-6 to be equally efficient in wet or dry conditions, so you don’t have to avoid puddles and leave debris behind. Our DST System when coupled with our Regenerative Air System produces the most technologically advanced street sweeper available today.

The DST-6 sets the performance standards for particulate matter removal in the U.S. and Canada. Mounted on a highly maneuverable cab-over “standard truck chassis,” the DST-6 can travel to the job site at legal speed limits and then perform the dustless cleaning required in industrial and municipal applications.

The dustless features are engineered to allow the sweeper to perform in all types of weather conditions with no operator adjustments required.


225 Industrial East
Waco, TX 76705

Phone: 1-800-258-9626

Enviropod Canada



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Enviropod International solves environmental stormwater problems around the globe. Established in 1996, the company is a world leader in the development of stormwater treatment solutions and catch basin insert technologies. A quarter-century of experience, smart design and engineering, investment in research and development, and constant innovation have contributed to our products becoming award-winning solutions in the prevention of marine plastic pollution.

We work with local governments, councils and private businesses and facilities in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, to meet local and federal stormwater quality requirements and regulations


Enviropod Canada
PO Box 98037
970 Queen Street East
Toronto, ON
M4M 1J0 Canada

Toll-Free: 1-877-651-0566
Email will@enviropod.com



Street Sweeper


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The TYMCO Model DST-4, mid-sized, dustless sweeper utilizes the same state-of-the-art technology as TYMCO’s proven DST-6. The DST-4 removes dirt, dust and debris from the sweeping surface, and uses filters that have a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 16 Rating, meaning they are able to capture a minimum of 95% of 0.30 micron and larger size particles, far exceeding PM10 requirements.

TYMCO’s patented filtration system enables the DST-4 to be equally efficient in wet or dry conditions, so you don’t have to avoid puddles and leave debris behind. Our DST System when coupled with our Regenerative Air System produces the most technologically advanced street sweeper available today. Both our DST-4 and DST-6set the performance standards for particulate matter removal in the U.S. and Canada.

Mounted on a highly maneuverable cab-over “standard truck chassis,” the DST-4 can travel to the job site at legal speed limits and then perform the dustless cleaning required in industrial and municipal applications.

The dustless features are engineered to allow the sweeper to perform in all types of weather conditions with no operator adjustments required.


225 Industrial East
Waco, TX 76705

Phone: 1-800-258-9626

Ozonator Industries Ltd


Medical / Hazardous Waste


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Ozonator Industries Ltd., the manufacturer, and world distributor of the Ozonator NG Technology – the most sustainable technology available for the sterilization of medical and bio-hazardous waste. The Ozonator sterilization technology is based on ozone and does not use heat, steam, chemicals, microwaves or radiation to sterilize waste to 6log10 (99.9999%) reduction. The waste is processed and treated at room temperature using ozone resulting in `zero` emissions.

Our newly released Ozonator NG-3000 is simple to install, effortless to operate and is the cleanest, safest and is the most environmentally friendly (sustainable) sterilization technology on the market today. The Ozonator model NG-3000 has up to 50% more capacity and can be operated 24 hours per day – 7 days per week with up to 1200 kg per hour by weight or 4.5 cubic meters per hour by volume. `Ozone kills all known Virus and Pathogens including Prions (proteins that cause brain disease)`.


Ozonator Industries Ltd
936 Mackenzie Highway,
Hay River, NT,
X0E 0R7 Canada

Phone: +1 (867) 875-7800
Website: www.ozonatorindustries.com

CERMA Industries, LLC


Engine After-Market Device (Technology)


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The Worlds Only Self-Cleaning Engine System

Cerma STM-3 is a revolutionary technology, which is added to the engine oil.  Once added, the vehicle will restore engine performance, increase horsepower and torque, prolong operational life, and continuously clean vehicle. Cerma STM-3 is applicable to all vehicles including cars, trucks, vans, semi-trucks, and industrial and commercial equipment. Straight from the start you will see, hear and feel the difference using Cerma STM-3.  By the time the “Cerma” process is complete, your engine will be at its peak performance, have that extra horsepower, run quieter and smoother, benefit from longer oil life and protection, and increased fuel economy. Best of all, Cerma STM-3 is self-cleaning:  meaning that after Cerma STM-3 is added, the engine will continuously clean itself, thus maintaining peak operational performance.


Cerma Industries, LLC
613 S Armstrong Avenue (mfg.)
105 Memorial Drive (office)
Denison, TX
75021 USA

Email: sales@cermastore.com
Phone: 1-800-917-6762

Tech Support
Email: tech@cermastore.com
Phone: +1 (310) 617-5757



Eco Waste


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Our company is a company specializing in the business of protecting the environment such as preventing environmental pollution caused by mining and we turn organic waste into resources. We turn organic waste into resources by constructing and operating a sewage sludge plant facility with the best records in Korea capable of processing 1,000 tons of waste a day in landfills in the Seoul metropolitan area to dry and turn it into fuel. We are currently constructing a facility (550 tons/day) to process sewage sludge on-the-ground of Busan metropolitan city and designing with our technology a facility capable of processing 1,000 tons of waste a day into three stages in landfills in the metropolitan area.

We are a company working to preserve the environment since our establishment in 1999.


RM601, Chang Kang B/D, #84-3, 2Ga,
Jeo-dong, Jung-Gu, Seoul
100-032 Korea (South)
Email: Contact Form
Website: www.enbiocons.com

Dundee Sustainable Technologies, Inc.


Green Mining


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The mining industry is facing growing pressure to improve its current practices and to develop environmentally-friendly alternative processes to reduce environmental liabilities. Several mining jurisdictions around the world have banned or restricted the use of cyanide. As a consequence, mining companies are struggling to obtain the permits for their projects due to increasing environmental and social concerns related to the use of cyanide.

The Corporation’s patented process is providing an alternative to the conventional cyanidation process for precious metal extraction.

The Corporation has developed a novel process which uses chlorination in order to extract precious metals from refractory minerals. The Corporation’s process operates in a closed loop circuit, which implies that no liquid effluents are generated, eliminating the need for costly tailings ponds. The chemistry and process design allows precious metal deposits containing base metals to be treated viably. The tailings from the process are inert from toxic substances, sulphide depleted and not acid generating, and as a result, meet environmental norms. The efficiency of the process has demonstrated high gold recoveries within a fraction of the time needed for cyanidation to obtain similar results.


Head Office
2000 Peel Street, Suite 860
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2W5

Telephone: +1 514.866.6001
Fax: 514.866.6193
E-mail: info@dundeetechnologies.com

Technical Centre
3700, rue du Lac-Noir
Thetford Mines, Qc G6H 1S9
Telephone: 418.423.7247
Fax: 581.679.0711
E-mail: dlemieux@dundeetechnologies.com

Hydro International




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We are a global company who provide advanced products, services and expertise to help municipal, industrial and construction customers to improve their water management processes, increase operational performance and reduce environmental impact.

With over 30 years of experience and a reputation for engineering excellence, businesses and public organizations all over the world rely on our products and services to reduce flood risk, improve water treatment and protect the environment from water pollution.

Headquartered in Clevedon, UK, we have a network of over 80 distribution partners and serve customers in more than 40 countries.

Our values
Our six values are at the heart of our culture, and they reflect how we do business.

Working collaboratively
Responding with urgency
Rewarding excellence
Learning and improving
Embracing innovation
Respecting our community


Hydro International
94 Hutchins Drive
Portland, ME
041023 USA

Phone: +1 207-756-6200
Email: enquiries@hydro-int.com

Next Stormwater Solutions




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NEXT Stormwater Solutions is a company specializing in stormwater management. We develop and rigorously manufacture products for the control of rainwater quality as well as for the control and storage of additional volumes. This, thanks to a multidisciplinary team of researchers and professionals in hydraulics, development and environment.

Next Stormwater Solutions is a division of Brunet Group, which consolidates our know-how with more than ninety years of manufacturing experience. Our design and manufacturing processes ensure high-quality products that meet customer requirements and applicable standards.


Nest Stormwater Solutions
1625, boul. Monseigneur Langlois
S.-de-Valleyfield, Quebec J6S 1C2

Phone: +1 450-322-6260
Email: info@nextstorm.ca
Website: nextstorm.ca 

A division of the Brunet Group

CB Shield Inc.




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Two features of CB Shield

The first is the sloped plate. Normally water enters a CB frame and cover and drops 1200mm directly into the sump below. Stirring up the sediment and pollutants. The sloped plate acts as a shield and deflects the water and energy to the side wall of the catchbasin.

The second feature is the slotted grate which is at the same elevation as the invert of the outlet pipe. After the water has been directed to the side wall of the catchbasin it then has to flow over the slotted grate to reach the outlet pipe. When that water flows over the slotted grate it will slow down due to the 600mm wide flow path across the slotted grate. This gives plenty of opportunities for sediment to fall through the slots to the sump below. And at the same time, the slotted grate also protects the sump from any turbulence.

So even during a large storm, the sump of the catchbasin will be as calm as a pond on a sunny afternoon.


Phone: +1 519-212-9161
Email: info@cbshield.com

Contech Engineered Solutions LLC




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Contech Engineered Solutions provides site solutions for engineers, contractors, architects, and owners. Our portfolio includes bridges, drainage, erosion control, retaining wall, sanitary sewer, and stormwater management products. Through cost-effective engineered solutions, we help build, support, and sustain land development projects while protecting the environment.

Our reputation as an industry leader comes from world-class design, manufacturing, sourcing, and distribution. Through our industry-leading sales, marketing, and engineering organizations, we maintain a competitive advantage and sustain relationships throughout the site development ecosystem, including land owners, regulators, contractors, and specifiers.

Headquartered in West Chester, Ohio, we have over 1,400 employees and 60 facilities strategically located across North America. Our footprint spans every major U.S. city and all 50 states, allowing us to provide unmatched customer support.


Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
71 US Route 1, Suite F
Scarborough, ME
04074 USA

Phone: +1 207-885-9830
Email: info@conteches.com

Katch Kan™ Ltd.


Environmental Contamination Prevention


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Katch Kan™ is based on a commitment to sustainable development, by protecting and preserving the land and water where the upstream oil and gas industry operates.  The central achievements of Katch Kan™ are the Rig Safety System and Zero Spill System.  These innovative systems of technology work together to optimize the health and safety of those involved with upstream projects, drastically minimize pollution and enable oil and gas production to occur in a proactive eco-efficient manner.


Katch Kan — Canada
8210 McIntyre Road
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6E 5C4

Phone North America: 1.800.840.2877
Phone International: 1.780.414.6083
Fax: 1.780.414.6084

Katch Kan — USA
13610 Poplar Circle
Conroe, TX 77304

Phone Dispatch 24/7: 1.936.900.7890
Phone: 1.866.827.2342

Katch Kan — Bahrain
PO Box 75174
Manama, Bahrain

Phone: +973.1751.4438
Toll-Free: 1.800.961.5538



Street Sweeper


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Over a century ago, street sweeping was only performed by municipalities that had an “above and beyond” drive to maintain aesthetic and safety goals as well as to remove large amounts of filth and garbage lining downtown city streets. Cities that relied on tourism didn’t want to be viewed as a dirty city that would turn people off from coming back. Also, any debris on the road surface from nails to rocks could potential cause a flat tire to an automobile or bicycle or get thrown up by a car’s tire and break a window, or worse hit a pedestrian.

Today, it is known that routine street sweeping has so many more benefits beyond just aesthetics – keeping storm drainage systems clear, improving stormwater runoff quality and improving air quality among others. Providing the public with routine street sweeping services will undoubtedly achieve aesthetic and safety goals by keep city streets clean and clear of leaves, trash and other debris that could become a safety hazard to local automobile, bicycle and pedestrian traffic. However, providing routine street sweeping with TYMCO Regenerative Air Sweepers allow you to not only remove larger debris such as leaves, trash, gravel and rocks, but also will remove fine dirt and sand as well as ultrafine particulates out of all of the cracks and crevices throughout the imperfections in the paved surface.


Municipalities are required to implement a number of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for stormwater management. There are several different BMPs that can be implemented such as adding additional landscaping, installing storm drain catch basins and sweeping paved surfaces on a frequent basis. Sweeping city streets and roads, construction sites and industrial plants on a regular basis obviously keeps the larger debris from going down storm drains, but sweeping with a TYMCO Regenerative Air Sweeper will also remove all of the fine dust particulates out of the cracks and crevices.

More often than not, fine dust particulates can be more damaging to stormwater runoff than larger debris. This dust can contain several different contaminants and toxins like vehicle lubricants, coolants and brake dust, petroleum products used in pavements as well as other contaminants that fall on parking areas, road intersections and where there is parking on downtown streets. Whenever there is a rain event, anything left on the paved surface will be picked up by the stormwater runoff and flow into local waterways.


225 Industrial East
Waco, TX 76705

Phone: 1-800-258-9626

Imbrium Systems, Inc.




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Jellyfish Filter is a stormwater quality treatment technology featuring high surface area and high flow rate membrane filtration, at a low driving head. By incorporating pretreatment with light-weight membrane filtration, Jellyfish Filter removes a high level and a wide variety of stormwater pollutants, including the finest of particles. The high surface area membrane cartridges, combined with up-flow hydraulics, frequent backwashing and the cartridge rinse-able and reusable feature, ensure long-lasting superior performance.

The Jellyfish Filter has been verified through the ISO 14034 Environmental Management – Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program and is the only stormwater filtration device in Canada to achieve this verification.

  • Stormwater enters the Jellyfish through the inlet pipe or inlet grate, builds a driving head, and traps floating pollutants behind the maintenance access wall and below the cartridge deck
  • Water is pushed down below the cartridge deck where a separation skirt around the cartridges directs oil, trash and debris outside the filtration zone, allowing sand-sized particles to settle in the sump
  • Water is directed to the filtration zone and up through the top of the cartridge into the backwash pool. Once the water has filled the backwash pool, clean water overflows the weir and exits via the outlet pipe
  • The membrane filters provide a very large surface area to effectively remove fine sand and silt-sized particles, and a high percentage of particulate-bound pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorus, metals and hydrocarbons while ensuring long-lasting treatment
  • After every storm peak, the filtered water in the backwash pool flows back through the hi-flow membrane cartridges into the lower chamber. This passive backwash coupled with vibrational pulses and gravity extends cartridge life, keeping the membrane clean for future events
  • The drain down cartridge located outside the backwash pool enables water levels to balance

Imbrium Systems, Inc.
Widby, Ontario
Phone:+1 416-960-9900
Email: info@imbriumsystems.com

Imbrium Systems, Inc.




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Stormceptor is an oil grit separator/hydrodynamic separator offering a range of versatile treatment systems that effectively remove pollutants from stormwater and snowmelt runoff. Stormceptor is flexibly designed to protect waterways from hazardous material spills and stormwater pollution, including suspended sediment, free oils, and other pollutants that attach to particles, no matter how fierce the storm. The Stormceptor’s patented scour prevention technology ensures pollutants are captured and contained during all rainfall events.

  • Stormwater enters the Stormceptor through the inlet pipe(s) or inlet grate. A specially designed insert slows the water down and directs it to a lower chamber
  • The non-turbulent chamber allows free oils and debris to rise, and sediment to settle
  • Free oils and other floatables remain trapped
  • Sediment settles and lies dormant and retained for later removal
  • Stormceptor’s patented scour prevention technology ensures pollutants are captured and contained during all rainfall events, even extreme storms
  • Treated stormwater exits the unit via the outlet pipe

Imbrium Systems, Inc.
Widby, Ontario
Phone:+1 416-960-9900
Email: info@imbriumsystems.com

Hydroworks, LLC

Hydroworks® HydroStorm (HS) Hydrodynamic Separator

Hydroworks® HydroStorm (HS) Hydrodynamic Separator
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Hydroworks, LLC was formed in 2003 in New Jersey to provide engineered solutions to stormwater management problems.

In recognition that one particular product is not a panacea to all problems, the goal of Hydroworks is to offer a full suite of solutions that can be tailored to each individual application. Each of Hydroworks products are designed with a modular or treatment train approach in mind. Simply put, Hydroworks represents the best-engineered stormwater products at an affordable price.

The founder of Hydroworks, LLC has over 25 years of experience with proprietary and non-proprietary stormwater quality design. This experience has culminated in the refinement of our designs to overcome many of the drawbacks of competitive products in the marketplace.  Hydroguard separators have been installed in 19 states including MA, CT, RI, NC, NJ, NY, MD, PA, NH, IA, IL, IN, OH, KY, MN, WI, CO, VA, FL, and TX. Over 1100 Hydroguard separators have been installed in the United States.


Hydroworks, LLC
257 Cox St.,
Roselle, NJ 07203 USA

Tel: 1-888-290-7900
Email: info@hydroworks.com



Cultec Separator™ Row

CULTEC Separator™ Row

CULTEC Separator™ Row Water Quality System

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The CULTEC Separator™ Row is an inexpensive means of removing Total Suspended Solids from the CULTEC chamber system, as well as providing easier access for inspection and maintenance.

The Separator Row is designed to capture the First Flush of a rain event and is typically included as part of the “Treatment Train” for water quality. The CULTEC Separator Row is a row of CULTEC Contactor or Recharger Chambers that are surrounded on all sides by filter fabric. Two layers of CULTEC No. 66 Woven Geotextile are placed between the clean foundation stone and the chamber feet. The chambers are then completely wrapped with CULTEC No. 410 non-woven geotextile. This configuration is designed to trap any sediment and/or debris that may pass through the upstream water-quality structures and into the chamber system.

A manhole is typically located adjacent to the separator row for ease of inspection and maintenance. This manhole is placed upstream of the system and can include a high-flow bypass pipe to pass peak-flows onto adjacent rows of chambers. The upstream manhole is designed with a sump to trap heavier sediment and allow for proper cleaning of the Separator Row. A JetVac process with a high-pressure water nozzle is introduced down the Separator Row via the access manhole to clean all sediment and debris from the Separator Row.

Captured pollutants are flushed into the sumped access manhole for vacuuming, and the process is repeated until the Separator Row is completely free of sediment and debris.


P.O. Box 280
878 Federal Road
Brookfield, Connecticut 06804 USA

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